2025 Big Half Run For Charity

Run for Charity

General Entries are now sold out, but you can still apply for a charity place!

Below you can apply for charity entry and raise funds for a cause you care about.

Don't worry if this is your first time fundraising. You will get top tips and a personalised Enthuse page to help you hit your target.

Some charities can also offer discounted entry fees and a running vest for Event Day.

Are you ready to be a fundraising hero at The Big Half? Find your cause below.

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1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer. Make your half marathon go further. Use it to help save men's lives. Run for Prostate Cancer UK and you'll be helping fund lifesaving research and support services for men and their families affected by this disease. You'll get a free technical running top, fundraising and training support. Join the team. Save men's lives.
UK Health +1
Prostate Cancer UK Logo
At Cancer Research UK, our vision it to bring about a world where everyone can live longer, better lives, free from the fear of cancer. Join our team today and support our life-saving work.
UK Cancer +1
Cancer Research UK Logo
Join Team BHF today to help save and improve the lives of millions living with heart and circulatory diseases.
UK Health +1
British Heart Foundation
Man smiles with arms up as he runs The Big Half
All charities with places

Take a look at all the charities with places

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