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Sunny skies and longer days

Sunny skies and longer days (even if it is still a bit on the chilly side) mean that Spring is on the way – so no more ‘I don’t like running in the winter’ excuses!
A man running the Bath Half in an ice hockey outfit.

Sunny skies and longer days (even if it is still a bit on the chilly side) mean that Spring is on the way – so no more ‘I don’t like running in the winter’ excuses!


In my opinion this is one of the best times of the year to be active outdoors, whether that’s a long walk, a bike ride or a gentle jog, there are plenty of ways you can get some fresh air, whilst being active.    This time of year it’s also a chance to use many of our senses to experience the world around us – take a trip to a local park and look at all the spring colours popping up, listen to birdsong and breathe in the spring blossoms.  So much going on – you may even forget that you are exercising.

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One of the advantages of Bath Half Marathon taking place again this year in October is that we will be completing many of our training runs in the Spring and Summer – so much nicer than dodging puddles, black ice and downpours.  Check back in a few month’s time for my tips on how to run in the heat!


With 7 months until Race Day – this doesn’t mean you can put off your training completely – start to think about the next 2 months as your chance to build your training ‘base’.  Base training forms the foundations (or start) of any training programme, which prepares you for the more challenging runs that will come up later in your training.

Like the foundations of a building, or a multi-layered wedding cake, a solid structure at the base is one of the most important parts of the building or cake.  Like the foundations of the building – the base training period is one of the most important parts of an endurance athletes training plan.


The base phase of training allows your body to build up to being able to run.  By allowing plenty of time – you give your body the opportunity to adapt to the impact of running by strengthening muscles, bones, tendons and joints.

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During the base training period it is also an ideal time to establish your running routine and habits – work out where you can fit in your run sessions, around any other activities and exercises and also what’s happening in your work and social life.  And if your aim (when you start the training for Bath Half) is to run 3 times a week, build up to that over the coming weeks/months.


If you are starting off as a new runner (or a runner returning from injury or time off) its best to aim for your run sessions to be done at a very easy pace – even if this means there will be some walking involved.  You are aiming for prolonged low intensity running and increasing your ‘time on feet’ at this stage, rather than focussing on the distance you run.


So now is the perfect time to get outdoors and start to build your base – whether that is walking around the park for an hour with a friend, attending a gym induction session, going on a bike ride or joining in a running group.  Do it before you have the next excuse lined up ‘I don’t like running in the heat’!


Angela MacAusland


Run Coach Angela

[email protected]


One important thing to remember is that everyone is different – there is no perfect ‘one size fits all’ training programme – if you are unsure where to start – get in touch or my running club Run Bath will be starting another Beginners Running Group in a few weeks time – which you are welcome to join.  Drop me an email for more details.



Click here to find out more about Angela