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Interim Fundraising Report – May 2020

JustGiving, the main platform for on-line fundraising, has reported that charities have already received initial payments through their platform at this year’s Bath Half Marathon of just under £1.5 million pounds, a 9% increase on the same time last year
Man raising his hands as he finishes the half marathon

Interim Fundraising Report - May 2020

Increased charity fundraising at 2020 Bath Half

JustGiving, the main platform for on-line fundraising, has reported that charities have already received initial payments through their platform at this year’s Bath Half Marathon of just under £1.5 million pounds, a 9% increase on the same time last year

Further funds will follow as donations continue to be received from sponsors in the weeks following the race, to be added to details of funds raised on secondary platforms and cash donations direct to charities, in addition to payments by the race organisers to local voluntary groups and Bath Half Marathon Fund grants funded by runners’ donations through the Quartet Community Foundation

The Bath Half is the largest single day charity fundraising event in the South West region with 130 official charity partners. Around half of the charities, and 40% of overall fundraising are local to the Bath area

One of the local charities benefiting from the event is Bath Mind, who were this year’s Lead Local Charity Partner

“Bath Mind were delighted and very proud to be the Local Lead Charity Partner for the 2020 Bath Half. Being a local and independent mental health charity, it not only made a huge impact on our fundraising income, but gave us a great platform to raise the profile of Bath Mind and help us raise awareness of mental health and share stories of such inspiring people!

 To date we have raised just over £44,000 from the 2020 Bath Half, over double the amount raised last year

 Due to the COVID-19 outbreak our income has substantially diminished and this is unlikely to change any time soon, therefore the money raised from this year’s Bath Half will prove vital. Now more than ever, we rely on funds such as this so we can continue to provide our critical mental health support services to our local community

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our amazing fundraisers for their fantastic efforts, whether they ran the Bath Half or ran virtually, we are so appreciative of their commitment to fundraising for Bath Mind!”

Hannah Roper – Head of Business Development, Bath Mind