Exercise and activity are important not only for our physical health, but it supports our mental well-being too.
Spending time outdoors in the fresh air on a regular basis is one of the best ways we can all look after our health. It doesn’t have to be a run – a walk, bike ride or outdoor fitness class can all have amazing health benefits, if you make your fitness a priority and pledge to keep it up – rather than try it once and give up.
Even though it’s over 8 months until race day – now is a good time to start thinking about starting your training, especially if you are currently not running or not active. Use the month of February to start building up to taking part regularly in some form of exercise – so that it becomes part of your routine.
I have taken some inspiration from one of the fitness groups that I am a member this week – one of the group told us about a Scandinavian word Dørstokkmila – which translates as ‘The Doorstep Mile’. This word refers to the first mile that is outside of your front door – which is the hardest step and hardest part of the journey to take. The barrier is not really the doorstep – it’s the excuses we come up with to justify not stepping outside in the first place. ‘it’s too cold to run’ ‘my kit is in the wash’ ‘the dog chewed my trainers’.
And yes the winter months can be more challenging – when its dark and cold – but if you find something you like in the beginning, it makes it easier to get moving and make healthy habits for the future. And if you don’t like the cold – wear an extra layer (or three layers) and a hat, gloves and scarf and don’t wait until the ‘perfect’ weather conditions either – before long we will all be complaining it’s too hot!
Find a local walking or running group or sign up to local events that will get you moving – if you encourage a friend to come along too – you will be less likely to give up before you have started. There are plenty of local fitness groups in the area, for all abilities. And for the first time there is a Festival of Wellbeing taking place in Bath throughout February www.welcometobath.co.uk/rebalance-bath-wellbeing-festival/ plenty of events and ideas to get you moving.
And by the time my next blog post comes out – the days will be longer, the weather will be warming up and you will all hopefully have created a new healthy exercise habit.
So step out of your front door and take that first mile journey on the path to healthy habits*
Angela MacAusland
Run Coach Angela
* If you are still struggling to find the motivation to get started – drop me an email [email protected] to arrange a free no-obligation 15 minute chat to find out how I may be able to help you get started.