2025 Westminster Vitality Wellness Festival

Vitality Wellness Festival

Don’t miss the Vitality Wellness Festival in Green Park – it’s free and includes activities and taster sessions for people of all ages to try!

Here's a taster of what was on offer in 2024:

  • Think you're a hotshot? Head to the NBA area! There will be inflatable basketball courts, with hoops to practice shooting and a dribble course to test dexterity.
  • Take on the British Triathlon duathlon challenge. There will be giveaways and prizes on offer
  • Join Bloomsbury Football for a volley and score session, they will also have football drills and a crossbar challenge.
  • The popular Vitality Tumbleator, along with stretching sessions with Vitality and Peloton, with Our Parks running yoga activations, and there will be arts and crafts available throughout the weekend.
  • There will also be arts and crafts available throughout the weekend.

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