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Accreditation will open roughly a month to six weeks before an event. 
Info London Marathon Events
Nikita den Boer embraces Catherine Debrunner at the Finish Line on The Mall after completing the Elite Women’s Wheelchair Race
Here's what to expect at the Vitality Wellness Festival in Green Park. It's free and includes activities and taster sessions for people of all ages to try!
Info Vitality Westminster Mile
Participants take on the Tumbleator which is a giant 20-foot long treadmill
Time to bask in your brilliance by checking out your official result.
Info Brighton Marathon Weekend
Woman holds up hands as she runs the Brighton marathon
In the lead-up to the Brighton & Hove 10K we’ll email your Participant Guide to you, which includes everything you need to know about getting to the Start Line – and more!
Info Brighton & Hove 10K
Brighton & Hove 10K smiles as he is snapped by a photographer