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Ten top fundraising tips

A participant completes the TCS London Marathon for charity

It’s never early to start fundraising!

We’ve joined with our online fundraising partner to put together a list of 10 quick and easy ideas to help you make the most of your TCS London Marathon journey and raise extra funds for good causes!

1. Take a fundraising selfie

Make sure you upload a picture of yourself to your fundraising profile – no one likes donating to a silhouette, and the stats tell us people with a profile picture raise 10 times more than those who don’t!

2. Donate to yourself

The fundraising equivalent of a selfie. Now is as good time as any to make a donation to your own fundraising page, if you haven’t had a chance yet. And it’s not just a good luck charm – people who donate to themselves raise 10 times as much as those who don’t!

3. Tell your story

This is a top tip from experienced fundraisers who think having a good story to tell about why you are running for your charity is the most important way to hit your target. So make sure you share that story of why you chose your cause on your fundraising page

4. Sponsor a mile

Remember those sponsored silences you did as a child where you were donated to per minute you stayed quiet? Well why not update it for your marathon and ask people to sponsor you a certain amount per mile?

5. Have a hair-raising experience

Select a few colours and ask people to donate and post the colour they’d like to see you dye your hair for the marathon. The colour with the most donations on your fundraising page wins your hair colour for the big day!

6. Try some training tunes

In your final build-up to the marathon, let donors choose a tune for your running playlist, and see if you can put up with some terrible musical choices while you finalise your training. If you’re feeling really brave, let them add one track to your playlist for Marathon Day too – for an extra donation.

7. Wear fancy dress

Big or small! Every year the London Marathon sees thousands of amazing fancy dress runners. This close to the event, you’d be best off choosing one item to go fancy with – perhaps you’ve always wanted to wear a ridiculous hat while you run? You could always ask your supporters what they want you to wear round the course – if you dare!

8. Make a final push

With the big event on people’s minds all week, now is a great time to push hard for those extra donations. Make sure you share your fundraising page and how you’re feeling about the marathon on all your social media to reach friends and family. And don’t forget that all-staff email or message on the noticeboard to give colleagues a nudge too!

9. Download the Official App

Your supporters can follow your progress on the day on the Official TCS London Marathon App, powered by TCS, and as long as you’re raising money with our online fundraising partner people can donate direct to your page on the App too – great for fundraising on the day!

10. Finish strong

When you’ve completed your marathon journey, make sure you post that picture of your finish on your fundraising page, and share it with friends, family and colleagues. Seeing your achievements will help remind people to donate to the great cause you’ve been running for.

We hope these simple tips will help you make the most of your TCS London Marathon – enjoy yourself and good luck fundraising!