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Showing 88 results for: running
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The Vitality Westminster Mile is open to all ages and abilities, making it the perfect for introducing children to the joy of being active and participating in a mass event. 
Training plans London Marathon Events
Children running
If you have children (or have friends or family with children!) taking part in an event like the Vitality Westminster Mile can be a great way to get them active and have fun together.
Training plans London Marathon Events
Toddler on shoulders of mum
Thanks to treadmill controls, you can increase the intensity of your workout with just the push of a button. For example, on a treadmill you can more easily control your speed and also set a gradient using the incline function. 
Training plans London Marathon Events
Man and boy running
This year’s International Women’s Day is all about inspiring inclusion, so we spoke to five women about the impact the TCS London Marathon had on their lives and the changes from representation to entry conditions that need to happen so that more women can see running as a sport for them.
Training plans London Marathon Events