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Showing 88 results for: running
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Runners are invited to ‘Run for Ukraine’ and fundraise for the Ukraine humanitarian relief appeal at the Vitality London 10,000 on Bank Holiday Monday 2 May.
News Vitality London 10,000
Meet Surjit, a 41-year-old ID Program Manager from Swindon. Since the UK first went into lockdown on the 23rd of March, Surjit has committed to running a Half Marathon every Sunday for the NHS; he has now completed 45 and is committed to run every weekend until the situation gets better.
News Bath Half
Running High Events, organisers of the Bath Half Marathon today announced the postponement of the 2021 event to a new date on the 5th September 2021.
News Bath Half
Event postponed - 5th September  2021
Sunny skies and longer days (even if it is still a bit on the chilly side) mean that Spring is on the way – so no more ‘I don’t like running in the winter’ excuses!
News Bath Half
A man running the Bath Half in an ice hockey outfit.