Event info

Head to the Ford RideLondon HUB this weekend!

Members of the public have been enjoying free bike-based entertainment in the Ford RideLondon HUB at London’s iconic Trafalgar Square today and everyone is welcome to join in the fun over the weekend.
Ford RideLondon Hub

The Ford RideLondon HUB at Trafalgar Square offers a lively venue to celebrate cycling

The sun-kissed crowds are being thrilled by daredevil stunts and tricks from the Extreme Mountain Bike Show, which is led by multiple British and European Mountain Bike Trials Champion Danny Butler.

Puncture Kit is providing mesmerising musical entertainment on his unique bicycle-turned-drumkit, and audiences are also being treated to quirky performances from the quintessentially British street theatre acts – Bicycle Ballet and Bicycle Pilots.

In addition to the inspiring activities and entertainment, visitors are invited to watch BBC Sport’s live coverage of the Ford RideLondon Classique on the big screens in the stunning focal point of the world’s greatest festival of cycling.

Ollie Weightman, 17, has been taking part in the activities. He said: “I'm really enjoying myself. It's my first time in London and I'm having a great time. I'll be here all weekend cheering everyone on.”

Encouraging active travel

As well as all the family-friendly fun activities on offer, the Ford RideLondon HUB is focusing on active travel and highlighting how bicycles can be a healthy and sustainable mode of transport.

Head along to find out more about Ford’s Park the Car initiative, which encourages people to walk or cycle rather than drive short journeys wherever possible.