Getting started

Why you should try treadmill running

Thanks to treadmill controls, you can increase the intensity of your workout with just the push of a button. For example, on a treadmill you can more easily control your speed and also set a gradient using the incline function.
Man and boy running

Treadmills have some advantages over road running, and can form a key part of your training programme for the Standard Chartered Great City Race. While you should try not to use treadmills exclusively, since it’s important to let your body adapt to the conditions of the road, you should certainly consider giving them a go!

Up the intensity

Thanks to treadmill controls, you can increase the intensity of your workout with just the push of a button. For example, on a treadmill you can more easily control your speed and also set a gradient using the incline function. When road running you might need to look around for new routes to increase the distance or introduce hills, and use a tracking device or stopwatch to monitor your speed, which can make things more complicated.

Monitor your performance

Treadmills are the most simple, accurate way of measuring your performance during your training. Because there are fewer external factors like weather conditions or route diversions that could affect your run, you get a truer picture of how you’re progressing.

Feel the health benefits

Running on the road is quite high impact and can put stress on your joints and tendons. It’s particularly risky in cold weather, too, because you’re more likely to suffer muscles strains or slip on icy and wet roads. Treadmill running can be kinder to your body, and you won’t have to worry about getting caught in the rain or wearing lots of layers!

Explore the gym

If you’re using a treadmill in a gym, make the most of the resources around you to enhance and vary your workout. After your run, why not try out the weights, bikes, exercise classes or pool, if available? Most gyms have a thriving community, so they’re also great places to meet new, like-minded people.